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With this in mind I was keen to try CorelCAD as I thought that it would be fun to be able to create and render three-dimensional shapes which I could then use in my art work once it was scanned into my Mac. The software installs very quickly as the total size of the application is roughly MB and, certainly with the Mac OS version, there are no additional files such as a users manual or uninstaller.
This together with the lack of information available on the internet made it very difficult for me to get to grips with the programme. I am not trained in the use of CAD applications and therefore cannot really comment on whether this piece of software is fit for purpose or not. I can however comment on the general user experience which, unlike other Corel software that I have used, definitely left a lot to be desired. The interface is not at all intuitive, being partly an apparently very basic drawing package and partly a DOS or terminal command interface.
It looks and feels like quite an old piece of PC software that has been cobbled together to work on the Mac operating system.
As I have said, I am not trained in the use of CAD software so perhaps I am being unduly critical of this programme. Until I can find an easy to understand user manual I have no way of knowing whether my experience was poor purely because of my ignorance or whether, as I’m more inclined to believe at the moment, the software isn’t actually very good!
It has more functions than many free programs but I struggle to see where it is supposed to position itself. Is it an AutoCAD replacement, supplement or is it an alternative to it?
The interface of this product is not easy to get to grips with but neither are other programs of the same ilk. Is it a program for the professional or the lay man? It is neither easy nor simple to use and to get the most out of it you will really need to have an idea and some basic insight into the functions of the program. You will also need to use it for what it was designed to do. The compatibility with other programs is good and file export is also good, but over all there are limitations to what it can be used for.
There is a lack of something original, no real standout feature. To get the most out of it you might need to combine it with other Coral products such as Coral Draw or use CorelDesigner. As to the price, I’m afraid free alternatives are not far behind. All in all it is a competent piece of software, it is light on system resources but I’d save up for the all singing and dancing AutoCAD if you are more than just a casual user.
It gives the impression of something to play with and while away a few hours. And yet, it doesn’t disappoint either, I actually like it very much. I don’t know if I should give it 3 stars or 4 stars? This isn’t going to be a purchase for some who likes messing about with a CAD program, while the professional will probably want the all singing and dancing AutoCAD.
A student maybe? As others have mentioned, this is very similar to autocad and is definitely a good alternative for someone who needs to use this software, but for others, like myself, who aren’t using it for work purposes there are other adequate programs that should fulfil basic needs for an awful lot less.
Installation was easy and the software runs very nicely and isn’t at all heavy on resources which is a nice change from a lot of software.
If you have any experience of autocad, even fleetingly so then you should pick this up relatively quickly. It’s clearly meant to appeal to autocad users and succeeds. What I would say though, is that unless you do need this for making a living then it’s hard to imagine you’d shell out the cash for it, I certainly wouldn’t have done, but have been glad to give it a go and it’s nice to have. tripp explains how to open up a new document and set up preferences, along with teaching some basic keyboard shortcuts in corel painter all that without using the kg and just registering with corel painter email address.
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