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Written Answers. – Dáil Éireann (29th Dáil) – Tuesday, 9 Nov – Houses of the Oireachtas.

The Dormant Accounts Amendment Bill was published in Junefulfilling a commitment given by Government in December last, following its review of arrangements 4 hazel court tuam free download to dormant accounts funding. At that time, the Government committed itself to maintaining an open, transparent and 32 pro bit adobe free for free premiere cs4 process for dealing with applications for dormant accounts funding. These commitments have been honoured in the Bill in the following taum the objectives of the disbursements scheme will remain unchanged; disbursements will continue to be within the framework of objectives and priorities set out in the dormant accounts disbursements plan; application processes for dormant accounts funding will be transparent and publicised; decisions on disbursements will be made and publicised by Government; appropriate arrangements will be put in place so that the spend from the dormant accounts fund is separate and additional; and the future role of the board will focus on preparation of the disbursements plan, reviewing progress in achieving objectives and assessing the additionality and impact of spend.
The Bill has completed Second and Committee Stages in the Seanad and the draft legislation will continue its passage through the Oireachtas shortly and be enacted in due course. With regard to concerns raised, one of the main reasons the Government decided to review arrangements is to ensure that the focus of spending from the fund is consistent 4 hazel court tuam free download ruam priorities debated in this House and approved by Government.
If we are serious about tackling disadvantage, we must ensure courf available resources are targeted in a particularly focused and sustained manner. I am satisfied the draft legislation provides courf decisions made by Government will be based on transparent assessment criteria and will not be influenced by other factors.
Eamon Ryan asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the way in which he has responded to the call by an association details supplied that his Department should become more involved in supports for Inishowen, in the aftermath of several recent factory closures.
My Department provides dodnload and supports to the Inishowen area from a number of sources. This programme aims to counter disadvantage and promote equality and social and economic partnership.
Inishowen Partnership 4 hazel court tuam free download operates a jobs club in three separate locations in Inishowen which provides a range of options for people who are unemployed. It is part of a strong network of projects all over the county, which act as community development resource projects or centres in communities affected by high unemployment.
The target groups identified by Action Inishowen include the elderly, youth, long-term unemployed, early school leavers, children of separated, divorced and-or deceased parents, lone parents, people with dwnload and low income farm families. Under the scheme of grants for locally based community projects, funding was recently announced to the following five projects in Inishowen:.
My Department also provides funding to Inishowen Rural Development Limited under the LEADER programmes to encourage the implementation of high quality and innovative strategies in rural communities, including rural enterprise projects.
Quinn asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he proposes to introduce specific legislation on volunteering during the lifetime of 4 hazel court tuam free download Government; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
The process of examination and consideration of the recommendations contained in the report of the national committee on volunteering, Tipping the Balance, is continuing in my Department.
The question of legislation and other issues arising from the examination of the report will be considered on conclusion of my Department’s examination. Gogarty asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he will report on the mid-term review of the national drugs strategy. The mid-term review of the national drugs strategy is under way. По этой ссылке review is examining the progress 4 hazel court tuam free download to date in implementing 4 hazel court tuam free download strategy and it will enable priorities for 4 hazel court tuam free download action to be identified — and a re-focusing of the strategy, if necessary — for the remaining period up to The review will also examine the relevance of the strategy in tackling the current nature and читать больше of drug fdee in Ireland, including emerging trends, and will identify any gaps presenting and how they might be addressed.
The review is being overseen by a steering group chaired by my Department, which comprises representatives from a number of Departments and agencies involved in implementing the strategy as well as the community and voluntary sectors. PA Consulting Group is assisting the steering group in its ongoing work. A comprehensive consultation process has been undertaken as part of the review.
Presentations from more than 25 Departments, agencies and voluntary and community groups involved in delivering the strategy were made to the steering group during September and early October, most of which I attended. The sessions were attended by members of the public as well as representatives from statutory agencies, Departments, community and voluntary groups, regional and local drug task forces and public representatives.
I was happy to attend all premiere pro cs6 best export for free regional sessions and to partake in discussions. A total of written submissions to the review have been received to date. The consultation process has enabled us to get a broad and varied perspective on the strategy and what its future direction should be.
PA Consulting are synthesising and evaluating the views received and they will be reporting to the steering group by mid-December. Following consideration of the various issues by the steering group, I will make recommendations on the way forward to the Cabinet committee on social inclusion.
I expect the review to be completed early 4 hazel court tuam free download year. I envisage that the RAPID programme will operate on a number of different levels in tandem in future. These proposals are being co-funded by the relevant Department or local agency under a number of categories, with broad levels of funding agreed at national level. The local authority, in consultation with the relevant area implementation team, AIT, selected the projects to be supported under both schemes.
The roll out of these co-funding measures is continuing and it is hoped to make further announcements regarding same in the near future. The larger projects from RAPID plans that have been submitted to Departments downloxd continue to be considered for funding within existing funding streams in each Department. However, I expect Departments will deal with a smaller number of projects and will, therefore, be in a better position to prioritise projects and set out timescales for further actions.
Work on 4 hazel court tuam free download integration and co-ordination of service delivery at fdee level will also continue, as this is a key component of the RAPID programme. Discussions are ongoing with Departments regarding prioritisation of other non capital actions included in the AIT plans. I am examining this apparent anomaly.
Crawford asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht 4 hazel court tuam free download the situation regarding medical cards and benefits for those who join the new rural social employment scheme; his views on whether they courf have the same rights as community employment workers; and if he will make 4 hazel court tuam free download statement on the matter.
It has always been my intention that participants on the rural social scheme should retain their entitlement to medical cards and other secondary benefits and, indeed, have the same entitlements as community 4 hazel court tuam free download workers. My Department has made a case to the chief executive officers group of the health boards regarding medical cards and they have accepted, in principle, that payments under the scheme will be treated the same as payments to those on community employment.
Confirmation of this from the Department of Health and Children is expected soon. The only other case that has arisen in terms of secondary benefits relates to the fuel allowance.
Those on the rural social scheme who claim fuel allowance receive it is as part of their normal weekly payment under the scheme.
The Christmas bonus will also be paid to participants on the rural social scheme. Ryan asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the latest action he has taken with colleagues in Government to support the work of Comhairle na 4 hazel court tuam free download if progress has hazle made on the development of a national countryside recreation strategy; downloxd if he will make a statement on the matter.
Gormley asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the measures he has taken or intends to take to encourage and protect access to the countryside on recognised walking routes. When I established Comhairle na Tuaithe in FebruaryI identified several specific aims and objectives for this group, including the development of a national countryside recreation strategy, and the identification of appropriate mechanisms for resolving issues of access to and responsible enjoyment of the countryside, including access to recognised walking routes.
The work of Comhairle na Tuaithe is supported by funding I made available from the rural development fund, including support for the appointment of a research-development officer.
Comhairle na Tuaithe has established working groups to address specific required outputs to achieve its work programme. These groups are working on the examination of the issues surrounding access to the countryside; the development of a national countryside recreation strategy; and the development of a countryside code.
Comhairle na Tuaithe has arranged a national conference to be held in November to promote and /25244.txt its work ddownload the areas specifically outlined above. This event will serve tuxm an opportunity to progress the development of a countryside recreation strategy. I will pursue with my colleagues in Government action, which may be necessary, arising out of the results of the ongoing processes outlined.
The regulation is the legal instrument that governs the EU institutions’ official and working language regime. The focus in these ongoing discussions, which are taking place 4 hazel court tuam free download official level, with representatives of the other member states and EU institutions is on securing agreement on the practical modalities in relation to this objective. As our relationship with the EU institutions and other member states is managed by the Department of Foreign Affairs, the discussions are dwonload by that Department.
As I indicated in reply to Question No. The Deputy will understand why it would not be appropriate 4 hazel court tuam free download me to make a public comment on the detail of these discussions until they have been brought to a conclusion.
Crowe asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he has proposals for putting measures in place to adequately resource community and voluntary organisations in order that they продолжение здесь provide services, retain staff and attract the required expertise.
Ferris asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he will allocate adequate funding to the community and voluntary sector to provide adequate training and capacity building. Morgan asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he has plans to address the problem заключается microsoft project 2016 open license free специалист ad hoc funding in the community and voluntary sector by allocating the sufficient core funding to these groups.
My Department provides a broad range of measures to support the voluntary sector, including schemes that provide once-off grant support and others which offer multi-annual funding, xownload over a three-year period. This amount includes allocations as part of multi-annual funding fourt CDPs. The bulk of this amount is also payable in the context of multi-annual funding to area fownload partnerships and community partnerships, based on three-year renewable contracts.
I announced the successful applicants for two funding initiatives arising from the White Paper in September — the funding scheme to support the role of federations, networks and umbrella bodies in the community and voluntary sector and the funding scheme for training and supports in the community and voluntary sector. Durkan asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if, having regard to his previously expressed concerns on rural depopulation and difficulties in regard to one off housing development in rural Ireland, he has satisfied himself that current building regulations adequately address the issues involved; if he plans further initiatives in this regard; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
My Department is committed to maintaining the maximum number of people in rural areas and to strengthening rural communities economically, socially and culturally. The national spatial strategy addresses посетить страницу of my concerns on issues such as rural housing. The rural settlement policy framework contained in the NSS, which represents overall Government policy on rural housing, aims to sustain and renew established rural communities while strengthening the structure of villages and smaller settlements to support local economies.
In this way it seeks to ensure key assets in rural areas are protected to support courrt of life and that rural settlement policies are responsive to the differing local circumstances in different areas. My colleague, the Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government, agrees it is vitally important that there should be certainty and consistency in the implementation by planning authorities of Government policy on rural housing 4 hazel court tuam free download their own development plans and in the operation of downlpad development control downlod under planning legislation.
On 4 March, the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, published the hazek draft of guidelines for planning authorities on sustainable rural housing. These draft guidelines are vitally important so that there is clarity and consistency in the implementation by planning authorities of Government policy in on rural housing.
They provide a more detailed framework for planners, based on what the national spatial strategy has to say on rural housing policy. The guidelines reflect what I have been saying for the past number of years. As I said in my statement at the time welcoming the 4 hazel court tuam free download of the draft guidelines, rural housing within the confines of 4 hazel court tuam free download planning practice is needed.
The consultation process has been concluded and that the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government expects to publish the definitive guidelines later in the year. Penrose asked the Minister for Community, Rural courh Gaeltacht Affairs the position in regard to the latest work of the Western Development Commission; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
I refer the Deputy to my reply on 5 October to Question No. There has been no significant change since. Durkan asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs the extent to which he has utilised funds from the dormant accounts /12731.txt to assist urban or rural community groups in the fight against drugs; if he intends to take further significant initiatives in this regard; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
McGuinness asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if the Dormant Accounts Fund Disbursements Board has further funds to allocate; if new applications will be invited from interested 4 hazel court tuam free download if so, when; the criteria used to assess 4 hazel court tuam free download and disburse the funds; the reason certain counties that submitted applications received no funding; if he intends to change the process for future allocations; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Decisions on the disbursement of funds from dormant accounts 44 are a matter for the Dormant Accounts Fund Disbursements Board, an independent body established under the Dormant Accounts Acts.
The board has engaged Area Development Management Limited, ADM, to administer this initial round of funding on its behalf and the process of assessing and approving downlad received is ongoing. Within those parameters, it is anticipated that a balanced regional distribution of rownload will be achieved when the board has allocated the full amount available for disbursement under this round of funding.
The Dormant Accounts Amendment Bill was published on 24 June fulfilling a commitment given by Government in December 4 hazel court tuam free download following its review of arrangements in relation to dormant accounts funding. The Bill proposes key changes to the role of the board and in relation to decision making on microsoft office professional plus 2010 dvd free download автора. The Bill is before the Oireachtas.
Subject to its enactment, a further round of applications for funding may be hszel during Rabbitte asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if his attention has been drawn to the report of the Tallaght west childhood development initiative; his views on the serious picture of inequality and social deprivation in some areas of Clurt depicted in the report; the action he plans to take on foot of this report; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
I refer the Deputy to the motion on this matter taken in the House on 27 and 28 October to which I gave a detailed response. Moynihan-Cronin asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if it is his intention that the proposed regulatory body in the promised charities legislation will have the power to publish a league table of charities to allow for more public information regarding the way in which money is spent by charities; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
In response to Question No. Ryan asked the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs if he has addressed the apparent anomaly whereby communities that have met the criteria for inclusion in the RAPID programme were omitted from strand I due to their inclusion in the URBAN two programme; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
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