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Adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free. Adobe Photoshop

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All rights reserved. Printed in Canada. September First Edition. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. While every precaution has been taken wdobe the preparation of adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free book, the publisher photsohop no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in it.
To learn about the Missing CD page, turn to page xxv. This chapter helps get you oriented. Getting Started When you install Elements on a computer running Windows page explains how to install Elementsthe installer creates a desktop shortcut for you. Just doubleclick that to launch Elements. Incidentally, the only other thing in there besides the uninstaller is a folder adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free Support Files.
Windows automatically creates a shortcut to Elements on your desktop when you install it. If you need help installing Elements, turn to Жмите A. You can also go to the Start menu and then click the Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 icon. This book covers Photoshop Читать статью The icon for Elements deuhsch is a turquoise square with a white, stylized outline of a camera on it.
You can also check the Windows Start menu, where Elements is listed along with its version number. On handbucg Mac, look in your Applications folder to see the version number.
You can still use this book if you have an earlier version of Elements because a lot of the basic editing procedures are the same. There are Missing Manuals for Elements 3 through 11, too, and you may prefer to track down the book that matches your version of Elements. For Elements handbcuh and 8, there are separate editions for the Mac and Windows versions. You can get a copy from www. This starts the Organizer, which lets you store and organize your image files.
Click this to start the Editor, which lets you modify images. See page 8 for more about this part of Elements. The images at the bottom are dynamic, meaning they change every three seconds or so, but the buttons at the top and the gear icon for the settings are always the same. But in some ways, they function as two separate programs. For example, if you start in the Organizer, then once you pick a photo to edit, you have to wait a few seconds while fee Editor starts up.
One helpful thing to keep in mind is that Adobe built Elements around xdobe assumption that most people work on their photos in the following way: First, you bring photos into the Organizer to sort and keep track of them. A section of the window slides open where you can choose to have the Editor or the Organizer launch e,ements now on instead elementss the Welcome screen.
Just choose the program you want from the list, and then click Done. You can also save a little of your system ссылка на подробности by making direct shortcuts to the Editor and Organizer programs addobe skipping the Welcome elemebts entirely.
Ftee a Mac, the easiest way adkbe to create a Dock icon while the program is running, as explained on page The Organizer catalogs and keeps track of your photos, and you automatically return to it for many activities that involve sharing photos, like emailing them page or creating a slideshow with them page Page 42 explains some of the arguments for and against it. This is Media view, which is where your photos go when you first import them to the Organizer.
Its job is to pull photos from your camera or other storage device adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free the Organizer. If you want to use the Downloader, then just choose it from the list. You can read more about the Downloader in Chapter 2 starting on page If you plan to use the Organizer to adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free photos and assign keywords to them, then reading that section can help you avoid adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free moments.
If you had photos stored adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free Photoshop. In Elements 12, you can use Revel for many of the things you used Photoshop. Two major differences are that you can access your Sdobe stored photos from many different photkshop, including your smartphone, adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free just from Elements and your web browser.
Also, adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free you get a certain number of free uploads from Revel currently 50 per monthbeyond that you pay a monthly subscription fee. Page 53 has the lowdown on Revel and how to use it.
This is the fun part of the program, where you get to adjust, transform, and generally glamorize photos, and where you can create original artwork from scratch with drawing tools adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free shapes. For many Elements beginners, Quick Fix Figure ends up being their main workspace. New in Elements 12, you can also add frames, special effects, and textures to your photos here. This is also one of the two places in Elements where you nandbuch choose to have a before-and-after view while you work the other is Guided Edit, described next.
Chapter 4 gives you all the details on using Quick Fix. The first time you launch the Editor, you start out in Quick Fix mode. Photoshhop are simply two different names for the same thing. This book always calls it Quick Fix mode. It provides step-by-step walkthroughs of popular projects such as cropping photos and removing blemishes; see page 21 later in this chapter for an intro.
Guided Edit also hosts some fun special effects and workflows for more advanced users see page nandbuch Most of the Quick Fix commands are also available via menus in перейти на источник Expert mode window shown in Figure This screenshot shows what you see on first entering the Custom Workspace, explained in the next section page You can customize your workspace quite a bit from this starting deutscj.
Use the Quick, Guided, and Expert tabs at the top of the Elements window to switch modes. To get rid of the lock and free up your image for Organizer projects, go back to the Adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free and close the photo there. Understanding Expert Mode Once you click over to Expert mode click the Expert tab at the top of the Editor to get thereyou may be pretty puzzled as to how to proceed. On the left side of the screen is a double-columned toolbox.
When you open a photo, a small thumbnail version of it appears in the area near the bottom of the по этому адресу. This area is called the Photo Bin. The buttons at the bottom right circled let you switch from one panel to another.
You can see only one panel at a time, which is one reason why most folks cree to use the Custom Workspace shown in Figure At the bottom right of the screen are a series of buttons labeled Layers, Effects, Graphics, Favorites, and More. To switch to another panel, you click its button at the bottom of the screen and the previous panel disappears.
But the Editor has many more panels than just those four. You can close the group by clicking the little X at its посмотреть еще right veutsch Windows or top left on a Mac. All choosing the name does is make sure that the panel you want is the front one when the grouped panels appear. Phltoshop can try running Expert mode with the Basic Workspace, but odds are that in about 10 minutes, this setup will have you raving and beating your head on your desk.
Fortunately, Elements offers a much better way to use the Hxndbuch the Custom Workspace. The secret is a well-hidden menu command that restores Elements to its full usefulness.
To achieve this transformation, жмите сюда head to the bottom right of the Elements adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free, click the tiny arrow on the right frde of the More button, and then choose Ссылка на страницу Workspace. You just regained an enormous amount of freedom to frre things up the way you want them. In the Custom Workspace you can tear individual panels out elementa the panel group, put panels into the Panel Bin and take them outmake your own panel groups, and so on.
Switch to the Custom Workspace right now. You can rearrange things quite a ffree from where Adobe starts you out. To do that, just press the Tab key; to bring everything back into view, press Tab again. This also works hadnbuch the Basic Workspace. When you first open a photo, you see the Photo Bin Figure in this area, which displays all your open files.
Deeutsch if you click a tool in the toolbox on the left side of the Editor window, the Photo Bin gets replaced with settings for veutsch particular tool, called adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free rlements the Tool Options.
There are buttons at the bottom left of the main Editor window that let you switch back and forth between the Photo Bin and Tool Options, so you can always привожу ссылку to the one you want.
However, you can hide it by clicking the down-pointing arrow at the right end of the light-gray bar just above it. To bring it back, click either the Photo Bin or Tool Deuutsch button at the bottom of the window. This behavior is the same in both the Basic and Custom workspaces.
The Photo Bin продолжить a lot more than just show which photos you нажмите чтобы узнать больше open. This menu even lets you send files from the Organizer to the bin without actually opening them.
Double-click one to adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free it for editing. You can also use Adobe Revel to sync photos from all your i-devices to your computer see page This menu lets you print the photos in the bin or make an album right there in the Photo Bin adobe photoshop elements 8 handbuch deutsch free ever going to the Organizer.
You can also use this menu to reset the style source images you use in the Style Match feature, explained on page