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Last Jump to page:. December 28, Community 3. Thanks to all who have donated! Due to certain RL Things, this list has not been updated in some time. I am currrently in the process of updating this thread with a new version! My past Private Messages have been cleared. Please update me with an AddOn you would like to share in this list and I will add it. Due to the number of Posts in this Thread, it is hard for me to keep track of them.
Private Messages allow me to keep track. Send me a Private Message! Please PM me with which three AddOns are your favourite. The top AddOns will be featured at the top of this page. One really useful addon is Power Auras Classic to know better when you have a right buffs or debuffs or much, much more. Originally Posted by Clovis. December 29, It’s very helpful for tanks. Here’s a picture of it: All you do is create a folder on your desktop called “Backup WoW” take your current Interface folder, copy and paste it into “Backup WoW”.
Fiddle around with the settings, and enjoy. December 30, For the gatherers like myself Collectinator : Provides methods for determining which mini-pets and mounts you are missing. TradeSkillInfo : Provides methods for determining which profession recipes, etc you are missing. And theres a good achievement one but i cant seem to find it now XLoot 1. Capping Battleground Timers – 3. January 4, Some more addons: OneBag3 – Merges all bags into one, for easier management, quite customisable. January 5, Hi first post here but i love this thread and am new to wow and found it very helpful.
Since trying out some of these addons i found a few to be lacking. So i searched and found some others that i like better and some your just missing. Addon Control Panel This lets you manga addons while in the Realm making it so you dont have to log out to turn an addon on or off. GatherMate Data. Baggins The Best bag addon i have found. A must have for anyone who hates organizing their bag or simply finding things in it.
Check them out and if you want add them to your list. January 6, Genie – a bag, bank and guild bank sorting addon. Also, description of VuhDo is not accurate. It’s basically a highly customizable raid frames specifically made for healers , but can be used for other classes as well to see the raid’s status or to cast any other supporting spells on mouse click. It’s like healbot, but Well, better. January 10, Keep them coming! This is all very helpful! Was wondering if there are any DKP system addons that will work?
How about this one? Does anyone know? January 12, Originally Posted by Veetus. January 14, Debuff Filter 3. All times are GMT. The time now is PM.
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Some apps not in a bundle format have a different signing ID to there executable name, Bartender 3 is a FREE update for all Bartender 2 users. An easy to use program for managing Bartender Bar items; Offers many ways to configure Bartender as you wish; Empowers you to choose which apps stay in the menu.