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Reviews with images. See all customer images. Top reviews Most recent Top reviews. Top reviews from the United States. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. II likkkkkkke the build qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqualittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttty, annd this was eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasy to pairrrrrrrrrrrrrr with muuuuuuuuuuuuuullllllllllllllllllllllltippleeeeeeeeeee devices,, buuuuuuuuuuuttt that doesssssssssssssn’tt mmmmmmmmmean mmmmuccccccccch when the deviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice issssss sooooo pronnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnne to innnnnnnnnnnnnnntttttterfffffffffeeeeeeerence and dddddddupllllllicaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttte keysssssssstrooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkes.
I reeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally am tyyyyyyping this onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn the K For the thiiiiiiiiiiiirrrd time actttttttttttttuallllllllllllllllllllly, bbbbbbbbeccccccauuuuuse [and here I switch keyboards] because backspace kept getting stuck and I kept losing my work. I wanted to write this whole review on the K but it became so badly stuck that it locked my phone in an input loop and I had to kill power to the keyboard.
Even if my experience is atypical i. Returning this, and not replacing it. People use computers in a lot of different ways. There is no one-size-fits-everyone keyboard. This keyboard already has many reviews, and while I did not read all of them, I did not see any existing reviews focusing on the specific problems I have with this keyboard. I am adding my experience here for the folks who have similar needs to mine.
TL;DR: Lots of good qualities, but bad for intense keyboarding sessions. I recently had my laptop’s keyboard replaced due to worsening issues, and decided to start using an external keyboard to minimize wear and tear on the new one.
People who use a keyboard in a more casual way, and who do not care about customizing the keyboard’s behavior, will probably not encounter the issues I discuss here. I basically wanted my laptop’s built-in keyboard, but as an external keyboard. Hey, Apple makes one of those! So why didn’t I just buy that? Two reasons. Second, I had bad experiences with Apple wireless keyboards from a few years ago: several keyboards which refused to pair, or would spontaneously unpair after a while.
I have been a Logitech fan for many years, having enjoyed using many of their keyboards and mice on desktop PCs. This keyboard is a great value for the price. Having tried several different means of tackling the “one keyboard, multiple machines” problem, I can say that quick bluetooth pairing has big advantages. Each switch only takes about 1 second, and it “just works,” unlike Synergy, which requires networking your machines together and running special server software, or a USB KVM switch, which requires several cables and adapters.
Some other reviews complained about these aspects. But I think it is exactly the right weight 1. And it’s a small form factor keyboard which fits easily into a backpack or larger purse. If it were any more portable e. I use macOS, and care about consistency across my keyboards. This keyboard is close enough to the Apple form factor that it feels pretty seamless switching between keyboards.
This is highly subjective. But personally, I really like the feel of typing on this keyboard. The keys have a nice amount of travel: more than a MBP , less than a classic key keyboard e. The rounded keys are slightly strange at first but quickly become unnoticeable.
Relatedly: another Amazon review mentions key presses happening repeatedly and sporadically, making correct typing nigh-impossible. CONS – Despite all of the above, using this keyboard intensely day after day is frustrating: 1 It drops key presses when typing quickly.
In particular, certain combinations of keys, when pressed together, prevent additional key presses from registering. This is best illustrated with an example. Try typing the word “furious” as fast as you can. When I type this word on the Logitech K, it nearly always comes out “furiou”, with the S missing. Each key typed has two parts: the press and the release.
When typing quickly, you often press the next key sometimes the next keys before releasing a previous key. Good keyboards will allow this. It’s not that the keyboard cannot handle three keys at once: the word “out” for example comes out just fine. But the word “plastic” eats the S.
It’s not just the S key though, because the words “nose” and “poster” work even with all keys held at once. But “please” eats the S, and “purse” eats the E. I am not sure, but it feels like a hardware just has a weird limitation here. It destroys my confidence in this keyboard. For macOS, Logitech provides a configuration tool called “Logi Options” for configuring the keyboard. It has nearly no features.
One option it does have is “Use all F1, F2, etc. Unfortunately, this feature does not work reliably. When switching devices, the keyboard “forgets” that this option was enabled, and F keys go back to being not-F-keys again, and the next time you press F3 to dig into some code or switch terminal tabs or whatever, boom, your keyboard is unpaired again.
And opening Logi Options and toggling the option back and forth does not fix it! It seems like after some unspecified amount of time, the keyboard just silently “flips” back to F-keys being F-keys again.
But the inconsistency there makes it impossible to retain trustworthy muscle memory on the keyboard. And the weirdness does not stop there. Even when F-keys are not being F-keys either because the keyboard was recently repaired, or because the box in Logi Options is unchecked and taken effect , the behavior of e.
And not being able to type those four keys puts a big damper on fast text editing. These segues into the final nail in this keyboard’s coffin: 3 Fn key behavior is hardcoded and cannot be overridden. There is a great macOS tool called Karabiner Elements which lets you completely remap all your keys to behave however you want. You can use it to annotate the document, add a digital signature, and even edit the text in PDF. In addition, it supports file management by copy, rename, move and transfer files and folders.
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