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Only a few genres can commit to providing a unique story-telling experience. However, hundreds of titles can be considered story-rich because the genres mentioned above have been prevalent for decades already. These games have a unique pace that lets you experience the game and immerse yourself in the story.
The well-written scripts become more pronounced with a brilliant game design and elegant art or graphics. For people who have heard of God of War, you might be surprised that the game is on the list because it is a Sony exclusive. However, they are starting to open up to the idea of releasing their games on the PC. They released God of War in January , which was already released a few years before on the PlayStation console.
You can get blindly lost on brutally finishing enemies, but make sure to take a grasp on the story as it is an enamoring tale about a father and son. Death Stranding is an open-world action-adventure game made by legendary game creator Hideo Kojima. His most notable work in gaming would probably be the Metal Gear Solid franchise, and if you have played some of those games before, you could expect the same mind-twisting story from each of his works.
In Death Stranding, you will play Sam Bridges, and your main mission is to deliver hope to humanity by connecting the last survivors of America together. Players call the game a walking simulator, but that term can be meant either positively or negatively. It is true that there will be a ton of walking involved, but you will explore the beautiful nature scape of the open world and meet new friends and establish connections along the way. Some players will find the game interesting and get enamored by the story when building connections with other NPCs you meet along the way, but there are a few others who will get bored of the gameplay.
Either way, the game has a brilliant story with amazing Hollywood actors like Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen. It Takes Two is one of the best co-op games ever made. It is also one of the best games for couples on Steam because anyone can enjoy this beautiful game without having an interest in playing games in general. The accolades speak for themselves, and it is definitely a must-try for not only couples but also a friend. Work together as you adventure through a crazy journey in this pure co-op perfection game.
You will both play as a couple, Cody and May, who are both turned into dolls by a magical spell and trapped in a fantastical world. Master each character as you gain unique and connected abilities at every new level. It Takes Two has one of the best stories for a co-op game, and it is definitely the best game on this list to play as a couple because everyone can enjoy it no matter which genre they prefer playing.
Dying Light is a first-person zombie adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic open-world overrun by zombies. The game is incredibly story-driven for a game that has a ton of action because of its focus on parkour. The zombies in this game are able to run like crazy, and they usually stick in hordes.
They also introduce unique or special zombies that have a unique way of fighting them. The game introduces these zombies with a backstory on how things came about and how they mutated.
Dying Light has one of the best storylines and is also considered one of the best zombies games on Steam. Dying Light is definitely a game you must pick up if you are a fan of zombie games and fast-paced action-adventure games. The combat and movement are very fluid in the game, and it becomes addictive to the point where you want to explore every inch of the post-apocalyptic world.
The main story of the sequel is not connected to the main story of the first one; however, there are a few dialogues that mentions the past, but nothing too important. You can start with either game, but I would definitely suggest playing the first title first. You will gather a party of four, whether controlled by an AI or friends, and explore an open world where you can interact with literally everything and everyone you see.
The world is extremely vast, with story-rich content in every corner. You will encounter NPCs around the world and go through a ton of side quests that take hours to complete since the turn-based combat is quite long but in a good way. Reading through thousands of texts will be required because the game does not hold your hand, where you can blindly follow markers to finish objectives or quests. You will learn to immerse yourself in the fantasy. Divinity Original Sin has won a ton of accolades, including and it really shows that they deserve it.
The voice acting is second to none. You can visually see everything in detail as if it was developed as an AAA game. The game design and the compelling story all blend well with this perfect turn-based RPG. Things get very technical in the game, so you might want to play this with someone who is also interested in all the good things mentioned above. Just get ready to read through thousands of texts like in Divinity Original Sin and immerse yourself in a fantasy world with a few other friends optional.
The Walking Dead by Telltale Games is a story-rich comic book game that introduced a whole new trend in gaming when it was released.
The game is about watching the cutscenes, making decisions through dialogue choices, and checking how it will all play out.
The game is literally all about the stories, and the dialogue choices add a level of immersion to this classic zombie comic book story. You can replay all the scenarios until you have experienced all of the grueling moments. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt continues the story of Geralt of Rivia and his task to find a child of prophecy in a story-driven open-world RPG that is rich with cities, pirate islands, dangerous mountain passes, and caverns.
The stories from the previous Witcher games are connected, but The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is still somewhat understandable without playing the previous games. The whole story or franchise is still based on the popular The Witcher novels, and you can choose to read them until you catch up to this game as well. While progressing through the story, you will encounter hard choices with impactful consequences so that each playthrough can be different.
However, it will take hundreds of hours to finish because the amount of content in the game is second to none. As Geralt of Rivia, a professional monster hunter, you will encounter many side quests while hearing tales from different NPCs leading you to track and hunt down a wide range of exotic monsters prowling the open world.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the best games ever made, and with its meteoric rise to the top, it also led to an incredible TV series on Netflix. There are a ton of games in the Tales series. However, not everything is available on Steam. Each game is independent of the other, so you do not have to play them in order.
You can start with any game you want. Tales of Berseria and Tales of Zestiria are connected to each other with different timelines. The connection is just fun to think about, but their story is still independent.
It is not as fast-paced as other action RPGs like Scarlet Nexus, but it is unique in its own real-time combat system. Each Tales game has a unique and compelling story.
Some of its core features include its combat system, item and equipment customizations, cooking, recurring characters, and even some collaborations. It is also an exclusive co-op adventure set in a prison where two prisoners try to make their escape.
Each player controls one of the main characters, Leo or Vincent, and you will try to escape with a complete stranger and learn to trust each other if they want a shot at escaping the prison. The game is filled with puzzles, crimes, and a whole lot of story-rich scenes. The gameplay is basically a simple adventure game because the game immerses you in the life of a prison inmate.
Co-op is key to solving puzzles, and everything is curated in a way that requires critical thinking from both players. The game can only be played in co-op mode, so there is no reason to get this title without asking someone if they want to play too. The game not only revolutionized FPS first-person shooter games but also added an immersive storytelling experience. While the first title was released in , and the sequel was released in , the game is still timeless. As a research scientist named Gorden Freeman, you start the game and find yourself on an alien-infested Earth.
Your goal is to rescue the world from the mistake you unleashed at Black Mesa. Discover an arsenal of futuristic weapons while you fight against alien abominations across different territories. There are also a few puzzles you will need to solve, and you can already sense that some of the ideas for their future titles Left 4 Dead and Portal gained inspiration from this game.
It is the same choosing your own adventure genre where you will only have to read through the dialogue, watch the scenes, make your own decisions, and ultimately experience the story. Each decision you make will have an enormous consequence and change the story. These decisions are not only based on what you choose but also on when you choose to do it. The Wolf Among Us has a total of five episodes, and the story is based on the Eisner award-winning Fables comic book series.
Undertale is another masterpiece on this list. It is almost like your typical RPG but with a dash of bullet hell. Do not worry if it might seem a little difficult, but it is pretty simple, and the game is quite underrated as a story-rich RPG because the game flies over the radar.
The graphics might be pixelated and might turn a lot of people off, but the game is beautifully done. The story is elegant as each dialogue is rich in context with a few funny quips here and there.
Undertale is a criminally underrated RPG; at the same time, it is also one of the best bullet hell games on Steam. The BioShock series is a shooter loaded with unique weapons. You will consistently find ways to complete your arsenal and get stronger, but at the end of the day, your ultimate weapon will be yourself and your genetically modified DNA.
You get to inject plasmids to give you superhuman powers like electrocuting or freezing enemies. BioShock is often seen as the modern-day Half-Life, where the gameplay and story are both futuristic and one of the best in the industry. In BioShock, you can hack devices and systems, upgrade your weapons, and experiment with new ammo variants for these weapons. You can also turn the whole environment around you as a weapon by using your powers. The Final Fantasy series has been known for over three decades as one of the best story-rich JRPGs in video gaming history.
Most of the Final Fantasy titles have turn-based combat where anyone can easily learn the mechanics. Once you get used to it, you can play other Final Fantasy titles and experience each story-rich campaign each time.
Each Final Fantasy title has a separate story, but some of them have sequels if they become popular enough. For example, Final Fantasy 7 and 8 can be played without knowing the connections of the stories, but for titles like Final Fantasy X and X-2, these stories are connected, and you would need to play the first title first.
The best thing about Final Fantasy games is their storytelling combined with their amazing graphics and head over heels cutscenes. You can say that they pioneered the way developers invest more in high-quality cutscenes since they were way ahead of the other games in the early 90s.
These became a staple for most story-rich games as it immerses and captivates the players more in the story.
– Games for pc steam
There are gamrs of games on Steam opens in new taband yames any list of the best ones is, in a way, just a list of good PC games in general. However, we think there are two good reasons to list our favorite Steam games to play right now. Fot, far gamds every game is on Steam. Почитать windows 10 requisitos free download смеюсь you’re just looking to build a Fr library right now, or stema got a Steam gift card to spend, you won’t find any gzmes on stean list that aren’t available on Fot.
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On Steam itself, check out our Steam Curator page opens in new tabwhere we recommend the games that have received our highest review scores. For a broader list of games we recommend, including non-Steam games, head to our list of the best PC games to play right now opens in new tab. If you’re getting into PC gaming for stsam first time, here gammes some great games to start with.
You’re a test subject trapped in a maze, equipped only with a games for pc steam and the will to escape. It sounds games for pc steam standard videogame stuff, but there aren’t any aliens coming after you, and your gun doesn’t shoot bullets. It shoots portals, glowing passageways that connect to each other. Walk through one portal and you come out of another.
That simple idea, plus gravity, results in dozens of gamrs puzzles, as well as an all-time favorite character in GlaDOS, the AI testing and taunting you. The first Portal is short and sweet, and the second one elaborates on games for pc steam humor and puzzles in a longer adventure.
Both are classics. If you’re new to first-person games on PC, the Portal games are one way to learn keyboard and mouse controls in a non-competitive environment.
They’re not brutally hard games, but tricky maneuvering is required in a few places. Read our review of Portal 2. An easy game to get hooked on, and a definite upgrade from Windows Solitaire. Ссылка на подробности seems simple at first: You play attack and defense cards drawn from a small deck to kill monsters as you ascend a tower, adding to or subtracting games for pc steam that deck as games for pc steam go.
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There are many opinions on which Civ game is the best, and series regulars will gladly debate the merits of all of them. Civilization 6 opens in stem tab is the newest version, and it’s a great game which adds some welcome complexity to city design here’s our flr opens in new tab. A big, online shooter that you can play for free.
It’s possible to get really into Destiny 2—to the point that you develop esoteric opinions about the state of the game that baffle your friends—but just as possible to have a good time shooting aliens in the hames story missions and stsam move on. If you do get into it, the paid expansions and opinions about things called “exotics” ofr “Bright Dust” will be there for you.
Try it with friends, if you can. And if you’re not used to keyboard and mouse controls, Destiny 2 plays fine with a controller given its console pedigree its developer, Sfeam, first became stean making ga,es Xbox’s Halo games.
Warframe opens in new tab Somewhat in the vein of Destiny 2 though predating itWarframe is a games for pc steam sci-fi world to leap around in as you fight “techno-organic horrors” with guns and katanas. It’s gamex of the PC’s best success stories, and a long-running co-op favorite.
A lot of the fun is in designing your character’s powers by making games for pc steam on a giant skill tree and collecting special gems that grant abilities with names like “Dread Banner,” “Creeping Frost,” and “Lancing Steel.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive opens in new tab Counter-Strike’s style of competitive first-person shooting has endured for multiple decades now. It is ultra-nuanced, but if you’re completely new to it, you may stexm to find a friend to show you around—it can be quite arcane. Apex Legends opens in new tab One of the most popular battle royale games opens in new tab.
Apex brings character abilities into the genre: cluster bombs, jump pads, surveillance drones, and other future-flavored gadgets. Best to learn with at least one friend who will squad up with you.
If you’re willing to pd its intricacies, it can become the only game you need. These games can provide tens or hundreds of hours of experimentation and discovery. It really just depends on how much time you’ve got. Red Dead Redemption 2 opens in new tab : If you’ve got a fairly tames PC, Rockstar’s vast western tale is an excellent pick.
Here’s our review opens in new tab. Death Stranding opens in new tab : A supernatural backpacking adventure from Hideo Kojima with a bizarre ganes wonderful take on a post-apocalyptic USA.
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Super Meat Boy opens in new tab : Another platforming favorite. The nastiness of its sawblades and ultra-tricky jumps is made manageable by the /2892.txt levels. Many of our favorite story-driven games are more or less detective stories.
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