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However, as compared free and open-source server such as Apache, the configuration and the dealing with IIS web server could be a little complex, yet if you are a Windows Desktop or server user, the usage of IIS would be best because of better integration into the system.
The IIS, which also contain an FTP server, is not intended on the client to provide company websites or heavily used web applications. The Windows 10 desktop IIS is mainly for developing or for the demonstration of web applications. So, if you want to set up and run some application on Windows 10 PC using IIS, for example, WordPress, then here is the step by step guide to install and configure this web server.
Later restart the PC to make changes into effect. The installation of it is very easy, by default when we select the IIS management console the Web Management Tools and Word Wide services along with HTTP features, performance features, security, system status and diagnostics are automatically going to be install.
Go to Windows 10 Search box and simply type IIS and you will get installed webserver Manager application, click on it to start. Finally, you will see the IIS manager with so many options to operate and handle different Web server application tasks.
After the installation of IIS, Windows will automatically start the webserver services on default port number In case not then check whether the HTTP server localhost is listening on port Run the following command in command prompt.
In case, your port 80 is already bound to some other application then you can change the default website or Http listening port on IIS. Right-click on Default web site option given under the Sites and select Edit Bindings. Now Click on Edit button and change the port number to one which you want to use. You can also specify any particular IP-address you want to use that port number.
Right-click on the default website and select Explore. Now simply extract all your WordPress file there. If it asks for permission give it.
Now, Select your newly created website and click on the restart option given in the right-side panel. Select Default website and double click on Default Document icon then Add link given on the right-side panel.
Type index. Now edit the wp-config. Go to Security Tab and select your Windows system user. In the same way, if you have hosted some HTML based website file for development in the root directory of Default website you will get to see that. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. How To. Contents show. Turn Windows features on or off. Start IIS. Test IIS webserver is working or not. Change ISS Http 80 port number binding.
Add index. Edit permission of the website. Edit root directory permissions. Related Posts. Comments 2. Hey that is really clear.
Setting up windows 10 pro as a server free
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Setting up windows 10 pro as a server free –
This article shows how to set up a free NFS server on Windows As a Windows 10 user, you may need a free program to help you manage your hard /18625.txt with ease, and MiniTool Partition Wizard is a good choice. This servdr allows a user on a client computer to access files over a computer network just as local storage is accessed.
Furthermore, this protocol is an open standard defined in a Request for Comments, allowing anyone to carry out it. But take it easy, as the operation can be completed with the right guidance. Therefore, please follow the steps below carefully to avoid any issues, since modifying any registry data incorrectly can influence the overall health and performance of your sedver. Type Control Panel in the Cortana search box and choose the first option from the top.
Click the Programs and Features option, and the Turn Windows features setting up windows 10 pro as a server free or off option in order.
The installation process will setring started. After the process comes to an end, you should exit the Windows Features window and take the following step. After the mentioned operations, your NFS share server is ready to be accessed by visiting the Z: Drive. But please note that the installation takes a long ссылка на продолжение, and please be patient.
How do you make the best use of Windows 10? Here you will find the best tips and tricks settingg Windows Vicky is a website editor who has been writing tech articles since she was graduated from u. Most of her articles talk about Windows PC and hard winfows issues.
Some of her articles смотрите подробнее touch on Vree usage and issues. During her spare time, she likes to spend time reading, watching videos, and sitting on her Yoga mat to relax. Partition Wizard. Download Partition Setting up windows 10 pro as a server free. Tip: If you find that your Windows PC is running slow, you can click my computer runs slow to know the reasons and then click how to speed up Windows 10 to troubleshoot this issue.
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